Tips for Homeowners to Keep Scorpions Away


If you’re a homeowner that has scorpion problems in Tucson, then you are not alone (and likely why you’re on the page to begin with!). Tucson and Southern Arizona in general can be a real problem when it comes to finding scorpions roaming around our homes. While scorpions can definitely be more problematic depending on your geography, there are some tips that you as a homeowner can implement to cut down on the number of these pests you might typically see!

Check Your Home for Drafts

Scorpions are capable of fitting into just about any small hole, crevice or crack around the home. Installing draft skirts on exterior doors, caulking holes or cracks near foundations in your garage and sealing any structural entryways near your foundation. Dog doors can also be a way they can access your home, so ensure that they are sealing properly and are not cracked or broken.

Eliminate Their Food Source

DYI treatments specifically for scorpions themselves can be antidotal at best because of how resilient these pests can be. That’s why it’s typically more effective to deal with the other crawlies that they count on for their food source. It’s easier to eliminate things like crickets and silverfish around your property than to deal with scorpions directly. Without an effective food source, they can begin to move on to better pickings.

Planters and Foliage

If you have a lot of plants right next to your doors and windows, this can be an excellent way scorpions can access the home because it is a preferred temperature and area to hide, they can also find food in these areas. Move any plants directly against the home so that if you do have unwelcome guests, they stay in the yard and not in your home!

When In Doubt, Call the Pros!

At the end of the day, there is foolproof method to keep scorpions completely out of your living space if your home happens to be on a very scorpion-active area. Some home owners report never seeing a scorpion while living in a home only to find them daily in another home just down the street. That’s where the pros at Results Pest and Termite come into the picture and we can rid you of your problem today – just give us a call at 520-413-5415 or you can email us here.