Why It’s Important to Hire Pest Control Professionals

If you have ants, roaches, mice, spiders, scorpions or any other creepy crawly found here in Tucson, it might be tempting to take care of matters yourself. Afterall, how hard can it be, right? We’re DIY people ourselves and while we love a great Do-It-Yourself project, we don’t recommend pest control for two major reasons: […]
How Quickly Do Termites Damage a Home?

Tucson is an absolute hotbed when it comes to termite activity. Our climate is simply falls into the zones that allow these pests to thrive. The type of termite that we see here in the Old Pueblo is the Desert Subterranean Termite. These are prolific insects that are capable of converting cellulose into food, which […]
Small Bug Problems Can Turn Into Big Bug Problems

One of the reasons that Results Pest and Termite recommends an ongoing professional pest protection program is because singular treatments only address some of the issues you might be experiencing in very isolated instances. Given that Arizona home owners are building our homes in areas that are typically also home to so many types of […]
Tips for Homeowners to Keep Scorpions Away
If you’re a homeowner that has scorpion problems in Tucson, then you are not alone (and likely why you’re on the page to begin with!). Tucson and Southern Arizona in general can be a real problem when it comes to finding scorpions roaming around our homes. While scorpions can definitely be more problematic depending on […]
Learn More About Bee Problems in Tucson

We get quite a few questions on a regular basis about different kinds of pests and we’d like to address some well known topics to help educate folks around Tucson about bees and the problems they can cause home owners and businesses. Bee Basics – What Types of Bees and Wasps Can You Find Around […]
CDC COVID-19 Information
Rock solid information is difficult to come by where the media dominates our phones and tablets with opinions. So here is a feed directly from the CDC with information about how to stay safe, resources and other information related to COVID-19. This feed will update automatically as new information becomes available.
The pests you HAVE to get rid of before it’s too late
Seen on Tucson Morning Blend Results Pest & Termite is locally owned and operated and a Tucson original for over 23 years. If you don’t like excuses, you must want Results! Watch as CEO Tim Steiniger and COO Greg Marantz discuss the importance of preventing and getting rid of termites. Call now for a FREE […]
How you can get a FREE month of pest control service
Seen on Tucson Morning Blend By Alex Steiniger Results Pest & Termite is locally owned and operated and a Tucson original for over 23 years. If you don’t like excuses, you must want Results! Watch as CEO Tim Steiniger and COO Greg Marantz discuss the importance of preventing and getting rid of termites. Call now […]